Monday, February 23, 2009

A new day...

Hello and welcome to the world of my thoughts. :)

I've been wanting to participate in blogging for awhile now especially after being an avid reader of several people's blogs relating to homeschooling and couponing. I've learned a lot from people who I don't really know--the internet is an amazing thing.

As a young girl, I often kept journals pledging to faithfully write in them every know the kind..."Dear Diary, I just received a new journal for [insert major holiday or birthday] and I'm so excited about the idea of writing in you every day..." Only to find out that my stamina for keeping a journal didn't match my initial enthusiasm. So, then four months later, my next journal entry would read..."Dear Diary, I'm so sorry it's been so long since my last entry..."

Well, I'm not pledging to write in this blog every day or even once a week. I'll write when I feel like it and not a moment sooner. :) No guilt this time around.

My son just turned five. We've been kicking the idea of homeschooling around for a couple of years and only recently in the last four or five months have I seriously been considering it. Then, in January of this year, God gave me a revelation about my ability to homeschool. Then, He provided me with several books, blogs, and people who inadvertently (on their behalf anyway) confirmed His revelation leading me to believe that if I don't homeschool, then I might as well stick my head in the sand and refuse to speak again about desiring God's will for my life. Good times!

I'm off for now, but I leave you with this...Have you hugged someone today?


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