says My Blog. I've been looking for my blog for awhile now and I've finally found it! Hooray!
Or maybe I've just been too busy reading MANY other blogs to find the time to write in mine. OR maybe I've been too busy homeschooling...nah that can't be it. OH! Maybe it's because I've had nothing to say. Okay, stop laughing. Seriously, you can stop now. Really. Stop. :)
On a slightly serious note, I'm not entirely sure why I haven't written much lately...not motivated enough, I guess. But, that could describe my entire life right now. I haven't been motivated to do much lately--kind of in a funk, but that's not a good place to sit in, so I am working on getting out of it.
Our family has dealt with several colds/flu bugs the last couple of weeks and it's been beyond draining for me. I really like to sleep when I don't feel well and as many of you Mama's out there can testify as well, sleep is a non-existent entity sometimes. But, the "lack-of-sleep" excuse doesn't really clean the bathrooms, buy groceries, teach my son how to add or encourage my daughter to use a big girl voice without whining or screaming or throwing a fit or flopping herself in a pathetic pile on the floor refusing to get up or ... Anyone else have a two year old?
I love my kids. And, I really love my husband. He's amazing. Truly. And, that's what puts a smile on my face. Most days. :)
13 years ago
If it's any help, my son is not even two yet, but he is already learning to perfect his whining, crying, lay on the floor, routine....what is a mom supposed to do!